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SEMY at Ramen-so Rekishi wo Kizame

(ラーメン荘 歴史を刻め 新栄店)
日本名古屋市|May 6, 2024 via Swarm for iOS


That's 127 weeks in a row at Japanese Restaurants - it's a record streak!
That's 127 weeks in a row at Asian Restaurants - it's a record streak!
Back at Ramen-so Rekishi wo Kizame after 3 years.
And another check-in at Ramen Restaurants. That's 3 days in a row!
And another check-in at Japanese Restaurants. That's 3 days in a row!
And another check-in at Asian Restaurants. That's 3 days in a row!
Back in Hakusan-ku.
Sharing is caring!
3X Toro sticker bonus!
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